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Desire vs. Design


Have you ever considered why, despite intense desire and effort, some goals seem just out of reach? It's a common scenario in golf and life, where we really want something. We create vision boards, inspirational quotes, read motivational books and set lofty goals. Far too often though, this desire meets the hard wall of reality. Let's delve into why design, not just desire, is crucial for real progress in your golf game, and your life.

The Runner's Analogy

Imagine a runner dreaming of sprinting at 100km/h. No matter the dedication or training, absorbing information, listening to motivational speeches, podcasts and watching inspirational videos, human physical limits cap what's naturally achievable. It highlights a simple truth: without the right tools or systems, some goals are just fantasies. The runner can dream all they like, but humans just aren’t designed to run that fast.

Contrast with the Car Analogy

Now picture someone less fit, perhaps without any interest in physical exertion, cruising along at 100km/h in their car. This ease comes not from their physical capabilities or desire, but from the design of the car itself. They achieve through design what no amount of desire could accomplish on foot. No vision boards, no inspirational quotes, just using the right tool for the job.

Traditional Golf Coaching: Good Intentions, Flawed Execution

Many golfers have the desire to transform their game. They consume countless tips and tricks online, they take sporadic lessons with no feedback in between. But like our runner, they find their efforts don't quite hit the mark. It's not due to a lack of trying but rather a lack of a proper system to channel their efforts effectively.

G60: A Designed System for Real Results

This is where G60 steps in, shifting from traditional, sporadic golf lessons to a comprehensive, designed system for improvement. G60 isn’t just about feeding you information; it’s about structuring your learning through a system that guarantees progress.

Here’s how:

  • Game Assessment: We start by providing you with information, and offering drills to find solutions. 

  • Supervised Practice: We invite you to join our group practice sessions. These are designed to facilitate your practice…the most important part of making a change! We are there to support and guide you while you change.

  • Unlimited Online Support: We are there to help, even when the practice session is over. If you have videos or questions, we are ready to help using the Coach Now app.

From Desire to Design

Let’s take a slicer as an example. They have a burning desire to fix it, they've tried every tip out there. They've taken sporadic private lessons, maybe 4-6 per year. Yet, the slice remains. Why? Because what they need isn’t just information but a systematic approach to implement those tips effectively.

Enter G60. With our structured phases, that golfer doesn’t just learn what adjustments to make; they learn how to make those adjustments stick. They move from trying to doing.

Why Design Wins Over Desire

G60’s approach is about designing a pathway to success. It’s about setting up conditions where improvement isn’t just possible; it’s inevitable. Our members don’t just get better because they want to; they get better because our system is designed to ensure they do.


One of my favourite taglines of all time is the Nike one. Just do it. It beats thinking about doing it all day long!

If you're tired of the traditional cycle of golf improvement that leads nowhere, it's time for a change. Don’t just chase after improvement; let us design your path to it. Take the first step by joining G60, and experience a system that transforms your hard work into real results.

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